Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My favorite

Socialist Politic Scientist, Institut of Public Politics “Expansiva” Universidad Diego Portales`s Director.
Politic Scientist Doctor of Universidad de Paris, France. Is the President of the Chilean Association of Political Sciences of Chile. It has been professor in different universities of Paris, for example in  Pantheon-Sorbonne, and in the Institute of Politic Studies of Grenoble, France.

Nowadays is Professor of the institute of Public Politics “Expansiva” of the Universidad Diego Portales.

He has written a lot of interesting books like “El arte de clasificar a los chilenos. Enfoques sobre los modelos de estratificación en Chile”, “Un día distinto. Memorias festivas y batallas conmemorativas en torno al 11 de septiembre en Chile” or my favorite one: “El socialismo y los tiempos de la historia. Diálogos exigentes”. 
Also, this socialist Scientist has been work like columnist of different newspapers, and like panelist of some TV shows about politic.

He is basically a great investigator, and that`s the reason of why I admire him. It`s a very smart and consistent person that give to the socialism a new and refreshing looking about the actual situation of the politic, and also have a very interesting approach from the Socialism to the future, for being again an important actor of the politic of our country. 


  1. he is a intereresting person

  2. Hey Eber! you've a error! you don't say the name of the character...

  3. And also, you say "institut" and the correct way to say it is "institute". I guess you are to old man.
